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I don't know whether it's related to the latest update or not, but when I complete the plushie puzzle and see the scene immediately afterward, the textbox remains on screen and persists  through all game states afterward including new puzzles and Game Over.  

Can't really finish the game in this state since the window's blocking everything and it kills the awesome presentation. 

Just fixed this bug! 


Much appreciated, thanks for the quick response! Enjoyed the game a lot. Can't wait to play protoViolence soon!


OOOOHH MY GOD played this with my friend after we played bad faith together last week and holy shit. oh my god. what the fuck. we got the escape ending on our first run and we were completely dead silent throughout that final scene. when the credits started rolling we could do nothing but continuously mutter "what the fuck" to each other under our breaths. fantastic props to you and your team for creating such a hard hitting emotional experience in a short amount of time. The voice acting went crazy hard as well i'm not easily brought to tears by fiction but the VAs performance really got to me. words from my friend who does not have an account: "my brain chemistry has been rewired. this is crazy. what the fuck. and im just supposed to move on from that???" ...anyways both dreading yet looking forward to playing protoviolence soon! 

AAAAH thank you!!!!! I'm very glad malViolence could leave such a big impact on you!

If you liked that I definitely think you'll like protoViolence too. Shall not say more than that. ;>


This was an amazing game! But I cannot stop crying after the "Escape" ending haha.
The characters are so fun, I even liked playing as and grew attached to the protagonist, which is not an easy feat considering they don't even get a name xD
Uncovering the truth of everything slowly while pulling my hair out for the harder puzzles was so much fun! Thank you for the wonderful game :)

Thank you so much. I'm really glad you enjoyed malViolence!

If you're interested in learning more about this cast of characters, may I direct you to its prequel, protoViolence?

(1 edit) (+1)

Man I absolutely suck at puzzles and this game knocked me out already with the first one. There is a lot of effort put into this game tho maybe someday I'll finish it


No but fr tho I can't progress and the guide I downloaded is empty

hello hi! apologies for the late reply. could you tell me more about this issue? i downloaded the guide file just to check and all of the files i got were there…

if that doesn’t work this steam guide may help

(1 edit) (+1)

love the puzzles! question - is this the only escape room type game you've made? Seems like the others are more visual novels mainly?

(1 edit)

yes, this is the only escape room game i've made! i mainly focus on visual novels. :o (and thank you!)


Gave myself some time today and finally played to this... IT WAS GREAT!! I didnt expected to get so attached to the characters, on my way to adopt Cautionne...  Also Dr Danger has like. the coolest design ever?! I was craving a good puzzle game and this really gave me what i was missing these days! Honestly this is wild to me such a high quality game isn't talked more amongst VN and point and click mystery type game fans! I am spamming my friends now to play to it!! I will probably play ProtoViolence very soon, i'm really excited to read more about the characters <3

Thank you so much!! I'm very excited that you're spreading word of the Violence series to your friends... it means a huge amount to me as its creator. ;w; (And I'm glad you love the cast too!)

I hope you do give protoViolence a try - especially if you liked Dr. Danger as much as you did.

(1 edit) (+1)

Spoilers below!

Having already played ProtoViolence prior to this, most of my praises from there in terms of quality carry over to this project. The Voice acting, the art and animation are all up to professional standard and yet again it feels as if this shouldn't have been a free experience. While my favourite of the two is still most certainly ProtoViolence due to the sheer emotional impact it had on me, this served as such a fun continuation/expansion on the story. MAN if I thought Dr.Deidre was badass before, she most CERTAINLY is now. I just adore the cute found family trope that underlines the villanous hinjinks here. I must say I am most suprised by the costume change for Pav, but it suits him! Speaking of, the tv segments, along with the more investigation-esque gameplay really reminded me of the vibes of DRv2/v3, in all the best ways. What an icon honestly. 

On a side note, you have no idea how thankful I am for this being so accessible in terms of adjusting difficulty+giving the option to skip. As someone who sucks ass at problem solving and most of the times gives up pretty easily, it was such a relief to not have to worry about looking for gameplays to finish experiencing the story as I often have to do.

My sole critique would have to be the fact that certain voicelines continue on before you click to continue onto the next line/animation, and so it feels a little clunky at times trying to time progressing the written text along with the spoken voiceline quick enough.

All in all, another 5/5 experience. I'm sure to be looking forward to experiencing more of the Violence series, should it continue!

Thank you so much for the kind words! I'm glad you enjoyed your time with malViolence. :>

As for the voice/forwarding issue, malViolence was made before protoViolence, so me and my team hadn't perfected the system that timed voicelines with written dialogue. I apologize for that!


Just finished the game ! It was in my games to play list for quite a while now... AND I SHOULD HAVE PLAYED IT SOONER GOD IT'S SO GOOD

As a big fan of escape games, I really loved all the little puzzles ! It added a fun part (To me at least. Even if I have to admit I might have cheated to get all the achievements for some of the hard level puzzles...)

I also loved the designs ! Especially Cautionne. He's so funky I love it. This child is my little brother now.

(Spoilers from here !!!)

Concerning the lore, I loved it just as much ! I'm already weak for the found family trope (one of my comfort and favourite tropes) so when it's. Characters becoming villains AFTER ESCAPING A CORRUPTED ENVIRONNEMENT ? TO FIGHT IT ? IN MORALLY GREY WAYS ? CHEF'S KISS

Also I want to give Cautionne a hug MY POOR BOY. And I'll make him pancakes as well.

Annnnnd that's all ? Sorry I can't say more, I just really loved the game in general and it's hard to point out what exactly because my brain isn't cooperating properly :,D

I'll continue with protoViolence, hope to see more of the series soon ! Can't wait to know more about those characters

Thank you for the kind words! Glad you could get around to playing malViolence and meeting Cautionne. :> I'm happy you got a kick out of the lore too. 

I hope you enjoy protoViolence when you get to it. It's tonally different from malViolence, but you'll get to know a certain character much better...


I just finished this game, and it really lived up to expectations! Catching all the nods and cross-references between this story and protoViolence was so satisfying, and I enjoyed the slow reveal of information throughout the narrative and how it influences the protagonist's actions. There were some moments of pure visual storytelling that gave me goosebumps, particularly the ending with the hair pin.

Great work all around, and something this team should be proud of! <3


Thank you, thank you!! I'm SO sorry for replying so late, my brain has been all over the place. But I'm glad you enjoyed malViolence as much as you did with protoViolence!


This was an amazing game, I love Cautionne from his design to his personality. Honestly this game hit me so much harder since I played through Protoviolence first, especially the ending you get when doing no investigation.

I had a lot of fun collecting all the endings, especially the dead ends; I had a great time experiencing all the different failure punishments. 

You did a really great job on this game; I can't wait to see what you create next! 


Thank you so much - I’m very glad you enjoyed both malViolence and protoViolence! 

Please look forward to protoViolence: Definitive Edition soon… I think it has some extra stuff you’ll like!


Certified Cauttione moment, someone should lock him in a room with 4 humidifier filled with milk *thumbs up*


Defeating Supervillain with this one simple trick!!! [Skip Button]


Andddddd the last one!!! Glad to be here!!! It was all a build-up for the endings, which I think are interesting~
Can't wait to check out Protoviolence!


My final thought is that the puzzle feels very unnecessary most of the time, unfortunately, even with the easy difficulty/skip button. There's a slight confusion among me of why Cautionne would confront us with a gun instead of just using another death trap, and why the hesitation and sort like I understand he's supposed to be a human character in the end, but during the puzzle times he's not veryyyyyy nice, so what's the change? Is it because he is not directly interacting with us??? Hmmm~

Either way, keep it up!


Thanks for playing!

As for the stuff you mentioned (SPOILER WARNING):

  • By the time Cautionne's using a gun on you, you've already out-maneuvered several of his puzzle-related death traps. For him, it'd be pointless for him to use one at the end since you've proven you can avoid the rest of the traps.
  • Cautionne's hesitant with his gun because he's never handled a gun before (which he mentions in one of the endings where he kills you).
  • Cautionne isn't a nice person, but he's also a child who's grappling with grief and the trauma inflicted on him throughout his life. A lot of his mean behavior earlier in the game is because he's far away from you - so he feels comfortable talking down to you. When he physically faces you at the end, with a weapon he's not comfortable using - the weight of what he's doing properly sets in for him, hence why he acts a bit differently.
  • Likewise, because you're dealing with a traumatized child villain versus a grown adult like Dr. Danger, that's why you're hesitant to kill him in the Spare Ending. You don't care about the other endings - you're just doing your job.

Let me know what you think about protoViolence. I think you might like it more than malViolence since it's a kinetic novel.

Ah for point one, arguably just locking the door can work? But then again maybe he is not prepared!
For point two yeah I know he is not used to handling a gun~
I was just wondering if that hesitation also comes from the fact that this action is more direct than the rest of the trap! Which point three also seems to imply that Cautionne is very different in person and far away~

But yeahhhhh, can't wait for Protoviolence!!!


It is mindblowing. The art, the story, the twist, and the character are just so endearing. Loving a supervillain is an overused trope nowadays but it is a new cliche for a reason. To think that it is completely free! I just want to hug the kid at the end of the story, it is so good!!

Thank you so much! Cautionne deserves all of the hugs...


WEEPING WEEPING....... Each of the endings are satifing in their own way, but the all clues ending is definitely the sweetest. Worth the elbow grease!! The skip button and fail-safes are very much appreciated for repeat playthroughs.

(Spoilers!!!!) Still can't believe he put rat poison in the kibble....waste of perfectly good pellets :'(


i had to know what happens after protoViolence! highly recommend! these puzzles are varied and challenging. the guide is really helpful-- it's still satisfying to solve the puzzle by using the hints, and i only needed to use the solution for one of them. and the slow-drip of story as you move through the rooms is really intriguing :) 10/10 would be Cautionne's lab rat again

Thank you so much! I'm very glad you enjoyed malViolence and its puzzles. 

Glad you enjoyed Cautionne too. >:3c


Finishing protoviolence first really helped me feel the full effect of the ending to malviolence! 😭 It was an interesting experience seeing how the two connect. I’m fascinated by the world of STOP and their schemes, hope to see more of it but excited for anything you make

I admit as I had to toggle down the difficulty level and I’m so glad there are hints in this steam guide that helped me out along the way. All the little post its I would have missed had I not read this!!

Thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoyed malViolence!

The Steam guide is really helpful, isn't it? One of my team's beta testers made it... He did a great job!


Yes! Having different-level hints is so thoughtful too! These puzzles are so advanced, I feel so proud whenever I solve one without help haha!


Took a break from Spooktober games for a pick-me-up by playing this VN. I loved protoViolence so much so I was guessing I would enjoy the sequel too. It was entertaining, just as I knew it would be! 

I started out hopeful as I was able to do the first couple of puzzles, but oh boy. At some point I had to cling for dear life to the guide to get past the rest of the puzzles, which were all really well-constructed and challenging! I did so badly that I collected all the ways to die/fail embarrassingly easily. My favorite puzzles were probably the Tetris-like puzzle (since I'm obsessed with Tetris) and the breakfast food one. 

The entire visual novel looks incredible, from the colorful and lovingly-accessorized character designs to the backgrounds to the puzzles to the interface. The voice acting was super solid as well. 

I loved clicking all the details and seeing how they fit in with the lore I knew from playing the prequel. I was so happy to get Ending C. Cautionne is so precious, and I would do anything for him, truly! 

I'd be so down to check out another game in the Violence series, but even if there will be only two, I want to thank you for creating such a wonderfully engaging experience! I love this world and its characters with all my heart! <3

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Thank you - I'm glad you enjoyed malViolence! >:3c

I'm glad you found the puzzles fun - even if they were super-challenging. speck did an excellent job writing and constructing them - and kigyo helped a lot with making them a reality.  I'm also happy you could click the details in malViolence with stuff that would be elaborate on in protoViolence

I do intend for there to be more to the Violence series - so this won't be the last you'll see of Cautionne and friends! >:3c I love this world very deeply, and I'm eager to expand it even further...

Also yes - Cautionne is the best, isn't he? It's really cool to see how much Pavel has grown since his escape in protoViolence...


So excited to hear about more game/s in this series! I went back and got the other endings, by the way. I'm choosing to accept Ending C (the one I got before I saw the other ending conditions in the guide) as my canon. <3


Yahoo! I'm glad you could go back and enjoy the other endings too. The future entries/games will also all be based off of ending C, so look forward to that. :>

(1 edit) (+3)


how dare you chekhovs gun me with the "job well done" ending. I still have one ending left to unlock and if anybody else dies I'm going to be sending you my therapy bills

Hee hee... Glad you enjoyed the ending! >:3c

I hope you enjoy the others, too. Let me know what you think of them.


THIS GAME WAS SO shakes you furiously 

i love this game so so much from the visuals to the sound design, to the voice acting and the puzzles (even if they were hard for me lol) THE STORY HAD ME SOBBING my boy cautionne  </3 the only boy to ever...

thanks to everyone who made this game <3 cannot wait to see the next spin-off (normal grip)

WAH thank you so much for enjoying the game!!! I'm very glad you liked malViolence, and that Cautionne made an impact on you... ;w;


this game was super adorable to play!
I liked the first appearance of Cautionne so much that I had to replay it just to watch again

overall, the storyline is touching and interesting, and puzzles are quite hard, but that made sense because of the plot

thank you for the game!!!


Thank you so much!!! I'm very glad you like the story and the game overall. 


just downloaded the game today and finished it today ! Im such a sucker for puzzles so this was basically made for me, I had so much fun until my world shattered at the panopticon. Its okay though I surpassed using SighingSlider's video yay ! yay !

If i were to rate the game I'd give it aaaaaa 9/10 ! Awesome lore, overall huge brain usage experience but 1. i got a headache midway through LOL 2. Game was TOO captivating finished it in onw (1) day and 3. Major LACK of MERCH !!! Love u Cautionne :,(((((

I'm really glad you enjoyed the game, eeeeeee!!! Thank you so much...

I'm glad we both feel the same way about Cautionne too. ;_; Maybe I'll do some merch of him in the future?


Very enthusiastically seconding the request for merch 😭 I’ve been wanting to ask if that’s something you’d ever consider, glad to hear it’s not off the table!


This is a very well-done puzzle adventure game! To me, it's quite reminiscent of the Zero Escape games in terms of gameplay and design. Here's part 1 of 3 of my playthrough, if anyone's interested:

I waited until the Steam release with its difficulty changes to play it because the comments seemed to indicate that the puzzles were very hard when it was originally released and I think it's a good idea that I did! I'm generally pretty horrible at puzzle-solving, but at least on the default difficulty, I eventually was able to figure them out (though sometimes I felt I just got lucky).

My only frustration is how there are two objects in the last room that are easily missable (the ones you need to click on to unlock one of the endings). The highlighted area for one of them is just so tiny compared to everything else. 

Otherwise, everything about the game is well put together and very professional. Cauttione himself being the main star with his eye-catching character design and dynamic animations. Though, I still don't know if I can forgive him for all the extremely gruesome deaths he inflicts on me! 😩


Thank you - I'm really glad you had a lot of fun with malViolence and its many puzzles! The Zero Escape comparisons are absolutely spot-on - it was one of the games that influenced malViolence's development. 

About the locations of the two items - you're absolutely right that their hitboxes are way too small. I'll probably make them larger in a later update - so that future players can find them more easily.

Nonetheless - I'm happy you enjoyed everything else, and I look forward to watching your playthrough!

(Also Astolfo fan? *shakes hand* Good taste.)


Congrats on the release of a definitive edition!

Wahoo!!! Thank you!!!


Bug: The screen seems glitched, which seems to have nothing to do with the settings I've checked off and on.

Spoilers for the very start of the game -

I haven't progressed past this point, but I wanted to wait until it's been fixed. I'd love to be immersed by the game once it is.

Oh, this looks like a graphics card issue! Have you updated your graphics card driver or switched your video renderer? :O


loved the game! played it with a friend, the mission accomplished ending hit me like a freight train, very effective storytelling all around.

so i think ive encountered a bug! first off; the game refuses to log my achievements, it gives me the banner when i complete the achievement, but even after getting almost all of them the achievements window itself says everything is still locked!

secondly (under the spoiler tag);














secondly; I wanted to get every ending, and used the guide to help me do so. got the Mission Accomplished ending and the Communication Error endings with no issue, but even after using the guide to find every item, instead of getting the Breakout Rule escape ending as the guide said i would, the game still shunted me towards the Communication Error ending. I checked twice, I definitely clicked every item, is this a known bug? is there any way to fix it on my end?

(1 edit) (+1)

Thanks so much for the kind words - I'm really glad you enjoyed the game as much as you did.

The first bug is a known issue with the game. We're working on it! 

As for the second... did you search for everything? There are a couple of items that are hard to find in room 3 - the clipboard in the top room, and the box in the bottom room. You might need to read all of the diary pages too. Missing those can be enough to trigger the Communication Error ending versus Breakout Role.

Let me know how that goes for you.



turns out i missed the clipboard

oopy doopy

thank you stranger on the internet! i loved this and so did my friend :3

Thank you! I'm very glad you enjoyed it. :>


Just wanted to swing by and give an update now that I've played the Definitive Edition on Steam.

The rebalances is a very nice change, the game definitely feels much more approachable despite the potion mixing puzzle actually defeating me harder this time? I also appreciate that after you've already got a bad ending you don't have to deal with the limit anymore, at least on base difficulty. It's a nice little change. Also highlighting the things you're selecting is really nice. All the new QoL updated you've added are really nice!

I also noticed that some of the text was more properly timed in the voiced tv screen segments rather than just skipping, but it had a few issues with the unvoiced versions skipping too quickly when a sentence went over two lines.

Also am I missing something with the evidence board puzzle, there's something about striking through notes but I'm not sure where the notes are meant to be?


Thank you so much! I'm very glad you like the new QOL updates. :>

With the evidence board puzzle, the notes can be found throughout Room 2. They're a little difficult to see because they're grey, but when you find them, you'll get key clues to help you solve the puzzle.

As for the text skipping, I can fix that easy-peasy in a new update. I just need to make the wait times a bit longer between unvoiced lines. 

Hope this helps! I'll try to get the new update out ASAP with my team.


AAAAAA I don't know how I missed that!!! Thank you so much

No problem! They're a little difficult to find - but when you do find them, everything will fall into place. :>


Damn this game is crazy hard, it's amazing that this was made for a jam because this was way beyond my skill level I kinda feel bad skipping over these puzzles, but also it's impressive puzzles of this level of difficulty were put together for a Game Jam.

I'll go back to this game another time, I'll probably have to skip the puzzles when I do because they are way too complicated for me... I think that I was expecting more of a Zero Escape style lock and key type mini puzzles rather than these more elaborate logic puzzles.

Still, love the chaotic lad Cautionne from what I've seen so far, he's a precious murder creature


Thank you for doing your best with the puzzles regardless! They are indeed very, very tricky, but there'll be a big update to the game tomorrow where the puzzles will be more fair (and with several difficulty levels to choose from!)

Cautionne is great, isn't he?


I am slightly shaken up by one of the ending, was not expecting that, BUT THAT WAS SO COOL- I did struggle a lot, because i did this during sickness, but got past none the less , great job! :3

Thank you so much!! I'm VERY glad you enjoyed the game. :>

(1 edit) (+2)

Hey! The game was fun. The puzzles are very, very challenging. I like the fact that the dialogue and the story slightly shifts depending on how closely you're looking through the scenery and how much lore you're digging through by doing so.

I made a walkthrough for all puzzles (except for the cybernetics pipeline, which I still can't figure out... Will hopefully solve it and add later) (Got the cybernetics puzzle!) Hope it helps anyone that's currently stuck!

Thank you so much for enjoying malViolence - and for the walkthrough for this build of the game!

I should say - me and my team are actually working on an official walkthrough for the updated version of the game. 

Would it be alright if we could use your solutions for our guide? (since we’re planning difficulty levels) If so - we’ll credit you in the document!


Absolutely! Glad to help!

(1 edit) (+1)

My god such a amazing game!

btw congratulations, you made me write a code for solving the sewing puzzle. this is the first time i solved it. i mean in theory it has too many possibilities. just 5 spaces have 36^5 =60466176 possible combinations. but it works out in the end. i calculated only for 8 spaces so that may be a factor lol. but i was actually surprised by the speed of it. it was essentially instantaneous. will code more solutions in the future.

Please tell how to get the busybody and hidden achievements!


Thank you so much - glad you enjoyed the game!!! ;w; 

And incredible work on solving the quilt puzzle, by the way - it's that nice balance of being really fun, but difficult.

For those two achievements - the busybody achievement is investigating all of the items in all of the rooms in one run. The hidden achievement is given when you get all of the other achievements.


This is such a fun game!!!! I love the various puzzle elements (and also how they're skippable, since im kind of bad at puzzles lol). The character art and design is super nice and the story pulled on my heartstrings i love cautionne and dr danger ;; everything felt very clean and polished and made for a very enjoyable playing experience!!!


Thank you so much for playing! I’m very very glad you like the game (and of course, my family of villains!) ^u^

(2 edits) (+1)

Didn't finish yet because I just don't want to skip the puzzle but I'm currently stuck on that puzzle with the three children 😅. Compared to this one, I found the hacking puzzle a lot easier since only a few moves can only be made at one place and the rest come along naturally.

But I loved the game so far. It's really great to find some challengers puzzles 😁

Thank you - I’m very glad you’re enjoying the game!

As a hint - did you click on the pink sticky notes around the room? :>


Thanks for the hint. I didn't saw the sticky notes but with it, the answer is obvious

Glad I could help! ^u^


Loved this game! Very heart pulling story and cool puzzles! One minor bug I came across is I tried losing at every puzzle but I can't seem to get dead end 9, I think it's the maze puzzle but it just says not valid solution when I try to get it wrong. Other than that I've unlocked everything but the A for Effort and hidden achievement


Thanks so much - very glad you enjoyed the game!

I’ll send this bug over to my team and get to it ASAP.


I think in the meantime, turning off "easy-mode"/puzzle skips should allow you to get the achievement. 


That worked! Thank you :D


No problem! >:3c


Nice! Loved the writing! You had me doing puzzles all afternoon lol.

Thank you so much! Glad you enjoyed the game. :>

(2 edits) (+1)

Overall, I liked it, as a puzzle game. Great job from all the team. 

Thank you! Glad you enjoyed. :>

(1 edit) (+2)

tl;dr: local supervillain gets quirky. explosions are involved. at least one person dies in a glue trap

That aside, this game has such fresh ideas and is so well-executed! The Puzzle Skip setting honestly elevates the experience in terms of accessibility - some puzzles I was able to solve neatly (tutorial wheel, poison-sorting, neuron rewire, three children, scraddle, scrapbook), but some were super crazy (why is there a PANOPTICON in here of all things. what were you COOKING), so I appreciate a feature that lets you enjoy the story regardless of your puzzle proficiency.

The character designs are AWESOME and the story is very nice, I just wish Cautionne and Danger's backstories were elaborated on a little bit more (as it stands I think the latter's development is more extensive, but the former has a stronger "show don't tell" feel to it). Without the stress of a jam deadline it could be something much greater. Overall awesome work and an amazing directorial debut!

(btw please post the ost somewhere I need that title screen theme on loop right now)










I got all three main endings, but it was pretty interesting to see that one of them - the one where Cautionne gets awesome (read: shoots you in the knee) - has two variations depending on how much of Deidre's diary you read. It's a pretty nice mini-branch.

Also I have no idea how to get Busybody and the hidden achievement. I assume either of them has to do with uncovering every piece of evidence and getting the final "good" ending (you both live), but I still don't have those achievements yet. What are the exact requirements?


Thank you, thank you, thank you! Very glad you enjoyed the game as much as you did, haha. 

With the puzzles, I definitely agree with the insane difficulty range; which is why I'm working on a rebalancing update with my team! The panopticon puzzle (among others) should be a lot fairer once it's out.










I agree with your comments on the writing too - my assistant writers and I did our best to create something compelling within the 31 days of the jam - but yeah, Dr. Danger gets a lot more backstory stuff, especially in Room 3. Cautionne is definitely more of a "show don't tell" type of character. 

I would love to elaborate more on both him and Dr. Danger in the future in different ways. Dr. Danger in terms of how she behaves in a day-to-day setting, and Cautionne with how his experiences have affected him (though I think the spare ending in the base game may have already addressed that somewhat. I don't mind going into more detail though).  I've grown really attached to them both over the past month...

I do have plans for an OST release soon - I'm currently working on the cover art for the OST ATM, so please look forward to that.

To get Busybody, you do need to discover every piece of evidence in one run! As for the final achievement, I believe you need to get all of the achievements in the game to obtain it.

Again - thank you so much for playing and enjoying my game! I'm glad you had a great time with it. :>


I'm really enjoying this game even if I'm horrible at puzzles, but I saw in an update post that it's possible to skip all puzzles, and like, how? I don't see any option to skip the puzzle I'm on (hacking puzzle oml its so hard). Also, I found a bug sometimes its possible to interact with the game options when you are on the save menu. Other than that the game has been really fun so far (sorry if I sound rude I'm not trying to be)


For the puzzle part I just saw the option in settings, I just had it disabled so ignore that.


Yeah, it's just the option in settings! >:3c

Also - we are working on a rebalancing update - so if you do want to tackle the puzzles on a more even playing field... please look forward to that!


Goddamn this game is amazing. I got so attached to Cautionne the ending I got kinda broke me a little even though I feel like its a "good" one- like, the cliffhanger definitley made me wanting for more, but I feel like settiing up like that was intentional. That said, while waiting for the ending guide I'll try and see what the other endings are like and go from there- 

Thank you, thank you! I'm glad you like my lil villain :'>
Good luck with the other endings!


Wait! Are there more endings?


Yes! >:3c There are three main endings…

(1 edit) (+1)

How do I get the other two?

I only got the one where the protagonist finds out the truth, but he goes like "As long as they pay me it's not my problem lol" which pissed off Cautionne and he shot him (Which in my opinion was good, because the protagonist pissed off me too lmao)


I'll also be detailing this in the puzzle + endings guide I'm writing, but here's the long and short of how to get the other two endings:

  • For one ending: try not to investigate any items in the rooms.
  • For the other, try to investigate all of the items in the rooms.

Hope this helps!


is there a guide somewhere?

I’m writing one at the moment! :> It’ll be out with the rebalancing update.


thanks! i wanna do the puzzles myself instead of skipping, cuz i wanna know how theyre done. but id also like help XD

No worries! >:3c I feel the same way whenever I play Professor Layton, so I get the feeling completely!


Woo! I finally finished it! I loved it!! The story was compelling, and I love Cautionne. There's something really fun about knowing what a character's inspired by- it's a nice bonus. But that knowledge isn't necessary either; the story and character are great standalone. Compelling in its own way that isn't derivative.

The only reason I didn't finish this day one is because I was too stubborn. I'm pretty bad at games like Layton and Zero Escape- I end up looking up guides and FAQs for the puzzles. When I realized this VN had that puzzle escape room set up, I did react like, "oh no!!!!!!!!" But I still wanted to try to solve the puzzles!!

In the end, I only gave up on two puzzles. The one involving liquids and, uh... the other one that involved spinning & symbols, I don't know how else to describe it. Funnily enough, I recognized that the liquid puzzle was veeery similar to a Layton puzzle. I had a laugh when I realized I could solve the puzzle by copying a video showing the solution for the Layton puzzle. The numbers are different, but the principle is the same! Makes sense, makes sense. (That being said, I don't know if I could solve the puzzle guideless if I opened the game right now... This one's beyond me)

It's great that the game has a skip option. I was just stubborn and wanted to try solving the puzzles. And it was worth it! It feels great when I finally solve them, even if it takes hours. The hacking one is probably the most satisfying because of how everything lines up in the end.

That ingredient puzzle is probably the easiest for me, but it did give me trouble on my first go. I had trouble understanding the premise. I'm only bringing this up because it's very silly on my behalf. Trying to read the instructions... I had this thought of, "Wait, do I need to know food groups to solve this??" I was starting to write things down, like, okay maybe the strawberries and blueberries can touch each other because they're in the same food group. And then I was like- "... are those mechanical nuts????? um????? I guess that's a food group of its own??" LOL. Needless to say, it took me a few minutes to realize the actual rules were much simpler than that. I guess that is a natural aspect to puzzles and riddles- accidentally overthinking it. But I still feel silly about it.

Alright, alright. Story-wise, I wish I had a lot to say- it's mostly just "I like it." I did enjoy my experience with realizing there's multiple endings and quickly figuring out what I had to do for them. That felt good. What didn't feel good was that one ending where you quickly & heartlessly escape... By the end of this, I was very attached to Cautionne and his story. My heart was so torn by that!!

I'll wrap this up by saying I think this is a very solid VN. Very polished. Putting the puzzles aside, the only nitpicks I have are just some moments where the dialogue advances by itself. I was still able to read it, but it felt kinda sloppy? Not sure how to explain it. And I did have a moment where I undid puzzle progress by accidentally scrolling my mouse wheel, which opened up the story log thingy. But other than that! Music, voice acting, writing, art, etc.-! Wonderful!! Great job everyone!


WOW, thank you for the super-long and kind comment! I really appreciate it...  

I'm happy you decided to try the puzzles anyways - that means a lot to me. ;w; I don't blame you for giving up on the panopticon puzzle though, that's one of the two puzzles that needs severe rebalancing (the other was the hacking puzzle).  Glad you had fun with the mise en place puzzle too!

I'm also glad you enjoyed the story too. I agree that the kill ending is very rough on the heart though - especially after you know Cautionne's whole deal. ;_;

Again - thank you, thank you, thank you for the generous words! I appreciate them so much...

BTW - for the "dialogue advancing by itself" issue - was this with the voiced cutscenes? That was a way I tried to address the voiced lines that had multiple sentences... but I think it can be alleviated by changing the text speed of the game.


Yeah, I think it was the voiced lines with multiple sentences. I've never thought about this stuff before, but ideally it would be nice if the text matched what you're hearing timing wise. But I'm not a programmer so I don't know how you'd do that exactly.


Oh I tried many many times, but it wasn't easy at all. As a last resort, I could've split the lines in two and then applied them to their respective sentences, but I think the gap between cuts would've been really noticable... ;_;


I simply cannot get past the hacking puzzle, but I'm too stubborn to skip, I spent almost an hour and a half on it by now. So I'm stopping for the time being. If anyone has any idea how exactly I'm supposed to parse this Jenga tower, I'd appreciate it.

(1 edit) (+1)

Oh, the hacking puzzle is definitely one of the toughest ones in the game. You are NOT alone in finding it really hard...

Me and my team are currently working on a rebalanced version of the game where the hacking puzzle is WAY fairer to the player - so if you want to play it properly, please look forward to that. 

Apologies on my behalf! I was the one who wanted it to be hard, and now I've sent so many people into puzzle hell...

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